The Seattle Food & Wine Experience is coming up soon, and will be held on February 27th at the Seattle Center. The title “The Seattle Food & Wine Experience” is a bit of a misnomer when it comes to the food and wine you get to experience. Although since it is in Seattle, I suppose that part is spot on. What the title doesn't tell you though, is the full scope of that experience. It has a reach well beyond the wines of Seattle area wineries, though Woodinville’s Convergence Zone Cellars and Hestia Cellars are represented. The wine experience though goes further: to Wenatchee and St. Laurent Winery, to Red Mountain and Hightower Cellars, and further afield to Walla Walla and the wines of Glencorrie.
I suppose they could have called it “The Washington Food & Wine Experience in Seattle,” though that really doesn't do it either. The wineries are coming from outside Washington, including Idaho. Yes, that Idaho. There are, of course, wines from our neighbor to the South, Oregon. Ten Oregon wineries will be showing their wares, including Anam Cara Cellars, Cayalla and Archery Summit. There are also plenty of wineries from California. Somehow there are more California options than the Northwest put together. Maybe there's a good deal on Jet Blue for those folks flying in from California? In any case, there are close to 50 California wineries. Perhaps a more appropriate name would be “The Northwest (Plus California) Wine & Food Experience in Seattle?” If you’re still playing, I switched up the place of “wine” and “food” because I don't believe the food is coming from anywhere but Seattle, but it was really just a precaution.
In addition to the fact that the more appropriate name has gotten a bit lengthy, it's also not complete. Italy, you hear me, Italy is also in the house. So is France, and maybe Germany. There's also breweries, the kind that brew beer, and cider. It's gotten a bit out of hand actually, and now we’re looking at “The Northwest (Plus California And Also Some European) Wine, As Well As Beer/Cider & Food Experience in Seattle. I plan to pitch the new name to Jamie Peha who's thrown this party together. I do think adopting the new name may take some time, and so I highly recommend you get should go ahead your tickets to the event (available here). Regardless of the name, it's going to be a helluva good time.
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