Young people have it going on. They're young, after all, and the world is their oyster. Sadly the wine they typically select to pair with said oyster is more appropriately paired with cheetos or maybe a chalupa from Taco Bell. We love young people here at The Oregon Wine Blog, you're our demographic after all. What young people love to do is drink booze. There are a number of reasons for this that I certainly don’t need to review for you. Sadly, when it comes to booze, it's not always too impressive what they choose. (That totally rhymed.)
As the youth of today continues to guzzle down Charles Shaw, Barefoot or swill in a box, folks who have their best interest in mind are trying to get in the way of this palate abuse. Similar to en loco parentis. Enter the Washington Wine Commission, and the millenial-focused 20 Something: The New Vintage, on November 20th. 20 Something is an attempt by the Wine Commission to make young people understand that there's nothing snobby about drinking good wine instead of plonk. The event will feature 75 Washington wineries and wines that range in price from $12 to $40.

Youngsters will be encouraged to taste wine, rather than "get faced." So while part of the education will be simply the exposure to some of Washington's fine and approachable wine, part of the education will be about tasting behavior. The event will make it clear that it's hip to sip, not guzzle, it's hip to taste some of Washington wine country's best culinary options (well chosen small bites to pair), and it's hip to spit. Yes, spit. You don't have to drink all of it. There will be hip music from KEXP's Darek Mazzone, and demonstrations, social media lounging and general hipness. Somehow I convinced them to let this 30-something in. I'll be there with the young people bringing you a full report.
Tickets are $50 and they're available here. Last year it sold out, so get on the ball.
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